Sunday, December 28, 2008

Phew!!! 2008 soon to be gone!!!!!

MainaT's tagging of my self at has made me break my silence sooner than I had planned. In 2008 like Murphy's law says, everything that could go wrong did. After starting the year with Kenyans having been transformed from brother keepers to brother killers, the world's financial melt down, the collapse of most financial markets including our own NSE, hyper inflation, record fuel and energy costs, failing rains among others, 2008's end will surely be welcomed with a collective huge sigh of relief.

Like I had blogged earlier, I had summoned enough courage earlier and dumped most of my portfolio before the real massacre begun, so my losses were not as much as those of many Kenyan's I know of. Even though the NSE slide seems to have been temporarily checked, I have this gut feeling that the market has not hit rock bottom yet and I am safely giving it a wait and see approach.

As I compile my wish list for 2009, top on the list is a desire that the grand confusion government will sort out their priorities and ensure certain basics are sorted out. Surely asking that certain issues are resolved is not asking for too much, ie 1.IDPs are gotten out of the tents, 2.Unga is made available and affordable, and finally, 3. I should not think it's a miracle of sorts when I drive into any Petrol station and, Yes, amazing as it may be, get fuel in stock.